Taking Attendance on the Mother of All Threats

BY: Kathryn Pollard
POSTED August 9, 2023 IN

The missing campaign issue

It has been alarming to see the lack of discussion this election season about our most threatening challenge as humans, that of climate change. It’s barely gotten a mention by our leading candidates, and that in itself indicates how low it is on the minds of voters. Clearly we have more pending issues to overcome, like surviving a pandemic and overcoming the biggest economic down slide in our lifetime. I suppose all that outweighs the looming threat of global warming, which merely…

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I have the greatest job in the world as a researcher of health, lifestyle, plant-based nutrition, and as a nutrition educator teaching others about the powers of a whole-food plant-based diet, as I get to be witness to countless people improving their health, gaining vitality, combating disease, and also eating in the most beneficial way to preserve our planet.
She Thrives! Interview
Aired March 24, 2019
The 4 Pillars of a Plant-Based Diet
published by ThriveGlobal.com I recently had an enchanting evening at… Read More »The 4 Pillars of a Plant-Based Diet
We are Eating Less Meat!
A new report out of Johns Hopkins School of Public… Read More »We are Eating Less Meat!
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