I have the greatest job in the world as a researcher of health, lifestyle, plant-based nutrition, and as a nutrition educator teaching others about the powers of a whole-food plant-based diet, as I get to be witness to countless people improving their health, gaining vitality, combating disease, and also eating in the most beneficial way to preserve our planet.
I am proud to work within the American College of Lifestyle Medicine as research projects manager. I am also an adjunct faculty for the University of New England online graduate program in applied nutrition, and co-founder of the Sustainable Diet transition program, which offers the tools and support to successfully adopt an optimal, sustainable diet. Previously I served as an instructor for the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies for many years.
Since becoming one of the first graduates of Dr. Campbell’s eCornell course in plant-based nutrition in 2009 I have wanted nothing more than to educate others about his life-changing message and the research indicating the powerful health benefits of eating whole plant foods. The benefits go far beyond personal health, to that of the planet, and I speak and write about the power of whole plant foods whenever I can, including as a regular contributor to ThriveGlobal, author of the upcoming book Eating Does It, among many publications and conferences,
Understanding the mechanisms leading to optimal health is a passion, and teaching others the simplicity and far-reaching effects of a whole plant food diet is an ongoing pleasure. It started with the decision to marry and have children, and a determination to produce and raise the healthiest kids possible, and to turn them into responsible global citizens. Now that they are wildly successful adults it is evident that I have succeeded. They are healthy, bright, brilliant plant-powered citizens meaningfully engaged in society. My hope is for you to experience the same benefits of eating correctly, to improve your life and the lives of countless others.