Kathy Pollard’s Free Gifts for Karen Quirk’s Summit:

Free Gifts for Karen’s Listeners Below

Kathy’s 4 Sustainable Planet Food Rules:

  1. The more whole plants the better
  2. Don’t sweat the small stuff
  3. Eat the rainbow
  4. Eat as much as you want as long as it has intact fiber, (easy the on nuts)


  1. Climate Party! Recipes from Chapter 1: L.A. Diner
  2. Free 20-minute Coaching and Goal-setting Session: Sign up for your phone consultation HERE 
  3. 20% off of the Sustainable Diet 3-month dietary transition program, with registration through September: Go to https://sustainablediet.thinkific.com to register for our
    12 Week Self-Study Course. Use coupon code: f2heal at checkout for 20% off through the month of September.

Lot’s more at:



Your Bigfoot Footprint Needed Now

Kathy Pollard

Eating Does It: Healing Ourselves and Our Planet with Food
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