Author Interview: Earth Day 2021 with Sustainable Diet Educator Kathy Pollard, MS
Written by Cristen Iris of CI Communication Strategies Many of us recycle and appreciate the sentiment of sustainability. We may even drive hybrid or electric vehicles and invest in green energy stocks. Nevertheless, it’s hard to shake the feeling and objective reality that what we’re doing isn’t enough. On top…
Taking Attendance on the Mother of All Threats
The missing campaign issue It has been alarming to see the lack of discussion this election season about our most threatening challenge as humans, that of climate change. It’s barely gotten a mention by our leading candidates, and that in itself indicates how low it is on the minds of…
Never a Better Time to Reinvent Society
The smartest protection against a virus is also our golden opportunity to fix our food and energy. published by Thinking beyond this pandemic, we have a onetime opportunity to fix society’s most damaging systems, in particular, the energy and agricultural sectors. To reinvent them could give us a strategy…
Saving the World While Sheltering in Place
Productive Stuff to Do as We Wait it Out at Home published by Who could have imagined a global crisis larger than climate change? But here we are! Life as we know it has come to a halt as we hunker down to shelter in place indefinitely, to protect…
Your Essential Guide to the Coronavirus
The Power of Plant-based Protection published by In the midst of concern over global spread of the coronavirus, it might be a good time to consider the origins of such viruses, and more importantly, the power to protect ourselves from them. Catching a virus can make us sick, but…
Your Heart, Big Killers and Climate Change
published by A recent study by the Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, that one in six deaths around the world in 2015 was linked to smog in some way – from air, water, soil, chemical or occupational pollution. That’s 9 million people, just counting deaths, not suffering from…
Healing the Hungry Heart
Give yourself a Valentine’s Day gift to get on track towards your personal optimal health You are invited to a transformational retreat. Learn more at:
Is it Too Late to Act?
If global warming is already happening why bother doing anything? published by You may be concerned about global warming as you see the startling news of extreme events going on around us, but at the same time you probably feel overwhelmed by the enormity and futility of our predicament.…
The Luxury of Gathering Around Food
We have much to be grateful for, and the potential to lose it published by Like me, you likely have much to be grateful for this holiday season. This time of year seems to accentuate both the grace and the shortcomings of human progress through time. Along with our good…
Gathering Around for the Holidays
published by It’s the time of season here in North America when the air turns cold on our noses, and we gather with family and friends to celebrate. We also gather to share food–our favorite way to give thanks for what we have and for the people in our…